Meet The Handler, Hillary Graff

      I'm Hillary, owner, handler, trainer, partner, and playmate of Lilly and Knight. I'm a Junior in High School and deeply involved in the world of dogs.  I've been trialing in AKC agility since March 2009 and in just over a year we went from Novice A, to Excellent B in JWW, and entered Excellent A in Standard. My family loves dogs, but are not "dog people" so getting my feet on some solid ground in the dog world has been a bit of a challenge, but worth every second. 

   I started showing in Conformation and Rally-O in May 2010 and have enjoyed it so far. It can't compete with my love for agility, but I do look forward to where my paps will take me in both events. It's a new adventure, who know's where it will lead.

   I'm a strong believer in shaping and positive reinforcement. I'm still very much learning how to properly use them to best help my guys understand what I'm asking them. Slowly but surely I'm improving my training knowledge and ability. 

   We've got big goals, and even bigger dreams. We've had our fair share of stumbles, but we're taking the world in stride and just having the time of our lives.